Month: April 2021

“What would Love do?”

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We spoke with Tom recently and he shared his thoughts on how he approaches his life and navigting the horrible situation he has been thrown into, as-well-as his new life moving forward. As Mr Tom considers and approaches obstacles and choices he asks himself, “What would Love do?”

What a perfect thought. Instead of reacting with anger, fear, hate, bitterness, worry, etc… to problems and relationships, react with “what would Love do.” The results will change your life…it has Mr Tom. Best of all, what is love? Love is Holy Spirit in us, and what better way to celebrate Easter than to really think about, “What would love do…what would He do?”

Happy Easter 2021
Happy Easter Everyone!

We’ve seen such a tremendous change in Mr Tom as he adopted “What love would do” in his reaction to his current situaton. He has crawled his way out of the sadness and pain from being wrongly attacked by those he once loved and maliciously “thrown into the well” to be frogotten.

With this Easter Day and the wonderful thoughts of “what would love do,” We have hope and faith that others will join us and embrace a postive heart and grab onto what Jesus sacrificed for us all on this day long ago–Love.

With a warm heart and loving spirit, we know Tom absolutely loves his children Matthew, Alexandria, Theresa and John and wishes them a fun and Happy Easter!

Family and Friends of Thomas Zerbarini