Month: January 2021

Justice for Thomas Zerbarini

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We created a dedicated website to support Mr. Tom and his fight for justice, liberties and the well being of his children. We excersise our right to Freedom of Speech to speak out about the egregious injustice that Tom Zerbarini and his children are experiencing.

2017 Eclipse Day 24 Thomas Zerbarini
Blocking the sun with my hand and trying to view the shadow on the thin clouds above.

We know many of you have children yourselves and these issues are very important to you too. We thank all of you for your support and loving feedback for Tom and his children Matthew, Alexandria, Theresa and John. We encourage everyone to visit our website and get informed on how this honest man and proven innocent father has been overwhelmed by a spouse and her family to create a wedge between Mr. Tom and his children under false allegations of sexual abuse.

In cases like this some professionals and judges assert that they choose to “err on the side of the accusser” by not taking any chances when abuse is alleged, their biased approach harms the innocent and the non-abused children when a false accusation is judged to be true.

These nonabused children have been subjected to a process of sggestive interrogation and to highly suggestive and sexualized sexual abuse therapy that is confusing and potentially iatrogenic.  The relationship with their formerly loved Father may be irretrievably damaged.  As these adults and enabling advocates continue to make the mistake and treat these non-abused children as if the child has been abused, the consequences can be long-term and disastrous.

In this case there was never a proper neutral investigation into any of these alleged abuse allegations. The need to conduct neutral and unbiased investigations and improve the accuracy of adult decision-making in this case cannot continue to be ignored. Further, the aligning of government services and prosecutors with reporting parents agenda’s is unjust, morally and ethically wrong and must stop before further pain, shame and harm can be done.

“There are no easy answers.  These cases are extremely difficult for everyone.  Professionals must remain open and objective and attend to what is known.  They must carefully examine each case and not immediately dismiss an allegation as false because the parents are in the midst of a divorce.  But they must also guard against a presumption of guilt, and resist aligning themselves with the reporting parent’s agenda,”

–Wakefield and Dr. Underwager.

Definition. Iatrogenic effects/responses are outcomes inadvertently induced by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures.
Iatrogenic Effect/Response |

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She Would Give Anything To Go Back!

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This heartfelt story from an alienator that lost the most precious things in her life is a powerful message. She identifies the source of her own personal motivation: she believes she is right and justified in her behavior. She only “see’s and listens to” things and people that support her beliefs. Once down that rabbit hole, it’s hard to see and hear the facts and truth. It’s hard to come back to reality, though its not impossible.

It’s never too late to step back, look at the big picture and see the facts without a jaundice eye. How the “system” is setup and conditioned to enable and promote sexual abuse is downright unethical. These advocates condition, script, and enable ALL allegations of sexual abuse for the mere purpose of convicting ALL accussed; they believe there is no such thing as a false allegation. They ignore any facts that contridict their priori-beliefs that children never lie and coach parents/children to “sound convincing,” with therapy and shaming.

For Tom, he proved his innocence with Forensic Polygraph Exams by FBI specialists; and, with intensive Forensic Psychosexual Exams by leading independent Doctors. His proof was discarded and ignorred, investigators/prosecutors downplayed and scoffed at the exculpatory infomation becuase it did not support their biased theory of abuse. We are certain that they never told the parents about Tom’s exams just like they tried to hide from them the exculpatory medical exams of Tom’s children; or did they?

It is clear the abuse is the excuse to justify their false allegations and alienating behavior. If you took away their excuse, anyone can see their actions and conduct is cruel and abusive to fathers and the children.

Tom posted this article a few years ago. It is worth the read for anyone involved in alienating children from another parent.

I Would Give Anything to Go Back

(Not the actual author, in order to protect her identity)
Author: A grieving mother
Editor: Ben Willaims
Date: 4/19/2016 (Re-post)

I saw you guys in the Huffington Post, and I wanted to share my story so you can share this with every single parent you possibly can. I’m no role model, but my message is important. There isn’t much that angers me anymore, except when two parents can’t set their differences aside and do what is best for THEIR child. I’ll be blunt. I was an “alienator”. I played the whole ‘false allegations’, and ‘he did this’, ‘he did that’ game, which was encouraged by my lawyer.

I DID think that she was more “mine” than she was “his” because I loved her so very much. I wanted to mold her into what I wanted her to be. I didn’t think there was anyone who could care for her or love her like I could. I can’t tell you why I thought that or what could have changed my mind back then. But, because of MY selfish actions, I lost custody of my precious baby girl when she was 6. This is why your story in the news really hit home with me. It brought me to tears for everyone involved. I was so caught up in bitterness and being right, that I stopped seeing my little girl. I hated my ex so much, and I hated that he “won” even more. I cried every single day. And, I had to play the victim. Pity from others was the only thing bringing me comfort at that time. It’s behavior that, now, is hard for me to even comprehend. I don’t think I’m a bad person? At least, I certainly never intended to be.

It had been almost 5 months since I had seen my little girl when she and her Dad were hit by a semi truck. She was 7. I died that day too. Even then, I tried to blame him for it. Initially at least. I needed someone to blame. Now, I struggle daily to not blame myself. Obviously, I’m not saying that my little girl and her Dad would still be here today if I had done things differently, …but when they were hit, they were on their way to see her Counselor… no doubt, it was counseling needed because of MY actions. So, that is tough for me to swallow.

PARENTS, life is so short! And it can be taken in an instant! Life is never easy, and relationships are never easy. But, you need to figure it out! You DO NOT love your child more, and you aren’t the better parent. You are not helping your child by keeping them from half of their family, I don’t care what your lame, self-centered excuse is. We all have our good qualities, and we all have our problems. Perfectly imperfect. And, when YOU choose to fight and withhold your child, this is bringing out the worst in YOU anyway, so then your child has no positive role model in their life at all.

Learning about what my ex went through during the alienation and learning what a great father he was, was devastating to me. Simply because I couldn’t get past “my issues” and figure out how to communicate, I had to learn after his death what a great man he was and how much pain I caused him and our daughter. Don’t wait until you’re in my shoes and all you’re left with is thinking “I wish I could have the chance to do things differently.” There’s only one reasonable excuse for you to say “I can’t make things better TODAY” … and that is when death takes that opportunity from us. Everyone else, you have absolutely NO excuse.


Thomas Zerbarini